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Getting started

If you have now been convinced that Civet is right for your current/next project, here is how to set up your environment to get productive right away and have a Good Time℠.

Quick start

Try out the transpiler interactively in the Playground.

Or transpile Civet code interactively in the command-line REPL:

npx @danielx/civet -c
npx @danielx/civet -c

Or run Civet code directly in the command-line REPL:

npx @danielx/civet
npx @danielx/civet


To install Civet package as a dev dependency in your project:

npm i -D @danielx/civet
npm i -D @danielx/civet

For command-line usage outside package.json scripts, it is also helpful to install Civet globally, which enables a civet command-line interface:

npm i -g @danielx/civet
npm i -g @danielx/civet

The instructions below assume such a global install; if you do not want to, use npx @danielx/civet in place of civet.

To use TypeScript for type checking, create a tsconfig.json file. For example:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "lib": ["es2021"],
    "moduleResolution": "nodenext",
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "ts-node": {
    "transpileOnly": true,
    "compilerOptions": {
      "module": "ES2020"
  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "lib": ["es2021"],
    "moduleResolution": "nodenext",
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "ts-node": {
    "transpileOnly": true,
    "compilerOptions": {
      "module": "ES2020"

If you do not set strict: true, we recommend at least setting noImplicitAny: true; otherwise, Civet's generated code sometimes introduces unexpected any types.

Executing code

Simple execution of a .civet source file (CommonJS or ESM):

civet source.civet ...args...
civet source.civet ...args...

Directly execute a .civet CommonJS or ESM source file in Node:

node --import @danielx/civet/register source.civet ...args...
node --import @danielx/civet/register source.civet ...args...

On Node <20.6.0, you also need to specify --loader @danielx/civet/esm for ESM import of .civet files.

Directly execute a .civet or .ts source file that mixes .civet and .ts code, using ts-node:

node --loader ts-node/esm --loader @danielx/civet/esm source.civet ...args...
node --loader ts-node/esm --loader @danielx/civet/esm source.civet ...args...


Simple compilation of one .civet source file to TypeScript:

npx @danielx/civet < source.civet > output.ts
npx @danielx/civet < source.civet > output.ts

Compile several .civet source files to .civet.tsx (default extension):

civet -c *.civet
civet -c *.civet

Compile several .civet source files to .js:

civet --js -c *.civet -o .js
civet --js -c *.civet -o .js

To see all command-line options:

civet --help
civet --help

To transpile within an ESM NodeJS app (assuming npm i -D @danielx/civet):

import {compile} from "@danielx/civet"
const tsCode = compile(civetCode)
const tsCodeWithSourceMap = compile(civetCode, {inlineMap: true})
const jsCode = compile(civetCode, {js: true})
import {compile} from "@danielx/civet"
const tsCode = compile(civetCode)
const tsCodeWithSourceMap = compile(civetCode, {inlineMap: true})
const jsCode = compile(civetCode, {js: true})

To transpile within a CommonJS NodeJS app (assuming npm i -D @danielx/civet):

{compile} = require("@danielx/civet")
// rest as above
{compile} = require("@danielx/civet")
// rest as above

To transpile in the browser, you can load the browser build dist/browser.js via a <script> tag, and access the global variable Civet, as in Civet.compile. Alternatively, if you're using a build system, you can import "@danielx/civet" normally, but you'll need to mark "fs" as an external dependency (see e.g. esbuild instructions and Vite instructions).


You can ask Civet to run TypeScript to check for type errors in your Civet code (the analog of tsc):

civet --typecheck src/**/*.civet
civet --typecheck src/**/*.civet

Be sure to specify all the files you want to check. This command returns an error code if there are any type errors, so you can use it in an NPM script and in CI.

You can typecheck and generate JavaScript/TypeScript files at the same time. This could be a good NPM build script, for example. Note that JavaScript/TypeScript files will be generated even if there are type errors.

civet -c --typecheck src/**/*.civet
civet -c --typecheck src/**/*.civet

You can also use TypeScript to generate .d.ts declaration files (if there are no type errors):

civet --emit-declaration src/**/*.civet
civet --emit-declaration src/**/*.civet

Building a project

Use Civet's built-in unplugin to integrate with many bundlers: Vite, esbuild, Astro, Rollup, Webpack, or Rspack. For example:

import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild'{
  // ...
  // sourcemap: true, // build and link sourcemap files
  plugins: [
      // Options and their defaults:
      // emitDeclaration: false,         // generate .d.ts files?
      // implicitExtension: true,        // import "./x" checks for x.civet
      // outputExtension: '.tsx',        // appended to .civet in output
      // ts: 'civet',                    // TS -> JS transpilation mode
      // typecheck: false,               // check types via tsc
      // comptime: false,                // evaluate comptime blocks
}).catch(() => process.exit(1))
import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild'{
  // ...
  // sourcemap: true, // build and link sourcemap files
  plugins: [
      // Options and their defaults:
      // emitDeclaration: false,         // generate .d.ts files?
      // implicitExtension: true,        // import "./x" checks for x.civet
      // outputExtension: '.tsx',        // appended to .civet in output
      // ts: 'civet',                    // TS -> JS transpilation mode
      // typecheck: false,               // check types via tsc
      // comptime: false,                // evaluate comptime blocks
}).catch(() => process.exit(1))


You can mix and match .civet files with .js and .ts files. Even .coffee will work if you require coffeescript/register or add a loader for it.

See the unplugin documentation for more configurations, including full working examples.

These plugins should support metaframeworks built upon these bundlers. For example, the esbuild unplugin supports tsup:

// tsup.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'tsup';
import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild';

export default defineConfig({
  entryPoints: ['main.civet'],
  esbuildPlugins: [
      // options
// tsup.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'tsup';
import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild';

export default defineConfig({
  entryPoints: ['main.civet'],
  esbuildPlugins: [
      // options

If you want to use other bundlers, check out our integrations page for a suitable plugin.